In order to "expand our territories" in all areas of life, our Church is going to start a sort of togetherness fasting. No, we are not fasting food... no, we are not fasting mountain dew... no, we are not fasting laborious activity!! We are going to go 7 whole, long (very long) days without television, movies, OR internet!! We have other fastings that follow this week, but I am just floored with this particular one. Why?? Television and the internet consume most of my life.
I am a facebook addict. I love blogging. I check the local news and weather hourly. I love to read "," "," and any other funny site that someone
recommends. I do my banking online. I am enrolled in an online class (we are allowed to use the internet for work and school). I get recipes, e-mail, catch up on shows that I've missed, scour ebay and craigslist, and read celebrity gossip!! I am even in an online Bible Study!!

I watch Forensic Files nightly, the morning news daily, and any episode of Roseanne, The Office, or Seinfeld that I can catch. ICarly, Hannah Montana, and Wizards of Waverly Place are often playing on my television. What is a Saturday night without Lock-up: Raw??

It is scary to me how much I rely on these things that are truly not necessary for survival. I do need to go a week without them to focus on God and to show myself that I can live without the keyboard and remote!! He is so much more important to me than these worldly things... right?!? Then why did my heart skip a beat when the Pastor threw out this challenge???? I need to get back on the level that I need to be on with my GOD!! HE gave his LIFE for me... I think that I can give up a little ebay and Icarly for a week!!!
I hope... gulp.
You can do it! David and I practically gave up TV in the evenings this past summer while we were going the Bible in 90 Days challenge. We simply didn't have time to watch TV if we were to keep up on our reading. It'll be a lot easier than you think! =)