In order to "expand our territories" in all areas of life, our Church is going to start a sort of togetherness fasting. No, we are not fasting food... no, we are not fasting mountain dew... no, we are not fasting laborious activity!! We are going to go 7 whole, long (very long) days without television, movies, OR internet!! We have other fastings that follow this week, but I am just floored with this particular one. Why?? Television and the internet consume most of my life.
I am a facebook addict. I love blogging. I check the local news and weather hourly. I love to read "," "," and any other funny site that someone recommends. I do my banking online. I am enrolled in an online class (we are allowed to use the internet for work and school). I get recipes, e-mail, catch up on shows that I've missed, scour ebay and craigslist, and read celebrity gossip!! I am even in an online Bible Study!!
I watch Forensic Files nightly, the morning news daily, and any episode of Roseanne, The Office, or Seinfeld that I can catch. ICarly, Hannah Montana, and Wizards of Waverly Place are often playing on my television. What is a Saturday night without Lock-up: Raw??
It is scary to me how much I rely on these things that are truly not necessary for survival. I do need to go a week without them to focus on God and to show myself that I can live without the keyboard and remote!! He is so much more important to me than these worldly things... right?!? Then why did my heart skip a beat when the Pastor threw out this challenge???? I need to get back on the level that I need to be on with my GOD!! HE gave his LIFE for me... I think that I can give up a little ebay and Icarly for a week!!!
I hope... gulp.