Being a woman is so challenging sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time. Why is it that we worry about so much?!? It seems like men don't have a care in the world.
Remember the beginning stages of dating or a crush?? We sit there thinking, "are they going to call," "should I call," " does he even like me," "oh, my god my stomach!!" Then with all that worrying and fretting you find out later that he was sitting there the whole time eating cheetos and playing video games not even thinking!!! And we always think the same thing, "all the worrying for nothing!"
We worry about our appearance. How many of you take days to decide what hairstyle or color to get before you make that big move?? I know that I do. And then when I get there I am still unsure and have to have a support person with me and the stylist to assure me that "it will look great with my face shape." We worry about calories and how much weight we put on. We worry about wearing brown and black together and take notice of those who do. We put gobs of make-up on to cover up the skin that we are so trying to keep moisturized and wrinkle free. Do guys do this??? Nope. Not straight ones anyway...
We worry about if the food that we make tastes good... questioning others with that wild look in our eyes. We worry about that bump in the night... murderer?? Most likely. We worry about making people upset, angry, mad, or sad. We don't like to fire people or criticize others.
On the other hand...
Women worry about that elderly person who may have no family at the holidays. We worry about the dinners of someone who just lost a loved ones. We go out of our way to help children who seem lost in stores. We wave that person on ahead in traffic. If I have a cart full of groceries and someone behind me has less, then I always let them go first. Our hearts go out to those in distress and we weep for them. I know that I wait on people who are older or disabled even though I'm just a patron myself. We care about the situations of our friends and family... calling and checking on them.
Women worry and whine, but we also love and care. That balances out. Right??